Body Talc
A soothing agent having antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic activity. Prevents excessive perspiration. Feeling of freshness. Increases lustre of skin. Gives relief from itching sensation and irritation of prickly heat. Very helpful remedy in summer boils and pimples.

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Body Talc
A soothing agent having antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic activity. Prevents excessive perspiration. Feeling of freshness. Increases lustre of skin. Gives relief from itching sensation and irritation of prickly heat. Very helpful remedy in summer boils and pimples.
Method of use :
Applu required quantity of powder on whole body.

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Akansha Hair & Skin Care Herbal Unit Pvt. Ltd., 31A, Chakraberia Road (South) Kolkata- 700 025
Call us now: 0091-33-2475-5839


100% Orginal
Come from India....Call Foe More Details.
Hotline: 0183786311. 01733973329. Phone: 02-9611362

Indian Price:

300ml ---> Rs.110.00

150ml ---> Rs.65.00

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